LED High Bays Installation

LED High Bays are a great way to achieve effective energy savings.

January 1, 2021

Bankhead Electrical Services have just completed an installation of LED High Bays into an Aberdeenshire production facility, delivering incredible energy savings of up to 70%.

The facility is used for manufacturing state-of-the-art Oil & Gas solutions with equipment shipped worldwide.

The facility was originally lit by inefficient sodium high bays that were prone to failure and had to be replaced often. Our customers were looking for a brighter, more efficient alternative to their existing lighting that would eliminate maintenance costs altogether.

Our customers testimonial: “We were frustrated with our existing sodium high bay lighting as the lifespans were short, causing them to fail and flicker, resulting in unnecessary maintenance costs.”

“We manufacture Oil & Gas equipment seven days a week and work long hours to fulfil orders all around the globe. The installation of the LED High Bay Lights was arranged outside working hours so that our factory could still operate. As a business owner, this is a fundamental aspect of any major upgrade and I am impressed that Bankhead Electrical were able to work with us quickly, efficiently and professionally”.

They chose Bankhead Electrical after several customer recommendations. They were particularly impressed with the service received from Bankhead Electrical who provided a end-to-end lighting service, from initial surveys to financial modelling, design and installation.

If like our customer above you are wanting to make cost savings, especially in the current climate. You too could be benefiting from such cost savings with energy efficient LED Corrosion Proof fittings, Low bay, and High bay LED Lighting solutions.

Contact us and request a free quotation today.

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